AJAX Heavy duty moves...

Looks like we're entering the new step into web 2.0, heavy moves and accurate documentation is being published. IBM has released introductory courses
(Mastering Ajax in 3 parts. | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ).

OpenAjax.net is an observation platform for WebTooO watchers and doers.
Here is their purpose :
  1. To build a community of people who want to open up the AJAX style code that some web sites are using.

  2. To develop a road map for how a software Client will properly interact with a Server when making Asynchronous XML requests.

  3. To develop an open source reference implementation for purpose 1 & 2
They have a link to Gabbly.com a cool idea, that may explode in the near future. Instant Messagery embedded into websites... Now that is a new sensation ! Imagine strolling trough a website and being able to feel the other visitors presence because of that anonymous IM module with people entering and leaving constantly ( the choice of the new member sound alert is great, almost like an aiport annoucement bell- It adds to the crowd feeling). It's different from Meboo
becaus the IM service is their own, and you don't have register anywhere (for the time being).
Gabbly is worth a double thumbs up.

> By the way, check on the right sidebar, you can try it for good, it works >>>


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